
Not everything is meant to be. But everything is worth a try.

Learning Algebraic Representation for Systematic Generalization in Abstract Reasoning

This post briefly summarizes our work on the ALgebra-Aware Neuro-Semi-Symbolic (ALANS) learner for Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM). For further details, please refer to our ECCV 2022 paper. I...

ACRE: Abstract Causal REasoning Beyond Covariation

This post briefly summarizes our work on causal visual reasoning, i.e., abstract causal reasoning beyond covariation, and in particular, the Abstract Causal REasoning (ACRE) dataset. For further...

Abstract Spatial-Temporal Reasoning via Probabilistic Abduction and Execution

This post briefly summarizes our work on the Probabilistic Abduction and Execution (PrAE) learner for Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM). For further details, please refer to our CVPR 2021 paper...

Learning Perceptual Inference by Contrasting

This post briefly summarizes our work on the Contrastive Perceptual Inference Network (CoPINet) for Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM). For further details, please refer to our NeurIPS 2019 pape...

RAVEN: A Dataset for Relational and Analogical Visual rEasoNing

This post briefly summarizes our work on relational and analogical visual reasoning. For further details, please refer to our CVPR 2019 paper. 1. Introduction The study of vision must ther...

MetaStyle: Trading Off Speed, Flexibility, and Quality in Neural Style Transfer

This post briefly summarizes our work on trading off speed, flexibility, and quality in neural style transfer. For further details, please refer to our AAAI 2019 paper. Figure 1. Stylization ...

Mirroring without Overimitation

To learn more about the approach we take to teach a robot to open medicine bottles, please checkout our paper. 1. Introduction A hallmark of machine intelligence is the capability to adapt to...

Training a Quadcopter to Autonomously Learn to Track

This a summary of our IJCAI 2018 paper in training a quadcopter to learn to track. 1. Introduction We’ve witnessed the advent of a new era for robotics recently due to advances in control met...

Towards Reducing Repetitiveness in Community-Based Question Answering

This a summary of our Neurocomputing paper in solving the repetitiveness in Community-Based Question Answering. 1. Introduction Community-Based Question Answering (CQA) platforms, such as Quo...

Towards Real-Time Automatic Number Plate Detection: Dots in the Search Space

Tech-report on ANPR

A PDF version of this tech report could be found here. Abstract: Automatic Number Plate Detection [1], or ANPR, has long been a traditional problem and is already widely applicable in police fo...